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Alongside the fundamental life skills of Reading, Writing and Maths, woven throughout our curriculum are opportunities for our children to develop The Seven Skills of the Steward – attributes and attitudes (our 'Superskills') which we believe are essential so as to enable our children to thrive in the world of the future:


Team-working   †   Problem-solving   †   Creativity   †   Peace-making

Empathy   †   Resilience   †   Gratitude


We believe that this powerful combination will enable our children to perform well at end points in their relevant stages of education (for example at the end of EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2), as well as allowing them to experience 'life to the full' and also enjoy successfully playing their part in helping to make our wonderful world an even better place and help make ‘Thy Kingdom come’.


Individual Class Superskills ...


Every class has been allocated one of the 7 Superskills in order to really develop that particular skill throughout the year. We do this in a variety of ways, e.g. through 'off timetable' Superskill Days; by carefully choosing relevant class novels or by looking for any opportunity across all subjects to really practise their bespoke skill, evidenced in teacher's planning. As a result, as children move through their time with us at St Gregory's, they will hone specific skills relevant to the age and stage of their development before leaving us at the end of Y6 with a very definite set of powerful Superskills to help them be a massive success in life! 


Reception: Gratitude

Y1: Empathy

Y2: Peace-making

Y3: Resilience

Y4: Team-working

Y5: Problem-Solving

Y6: Creativity


Kagan activities to practice our Superskill of Teamworking

We are currently embedding Kagan approaches in our classrooms. Check out this video to see how we will be taking part in fun, team-working activities to develop our communication skills and social skills as well as increase pupil confidence and motivation.
