At St Gregory’s, the curriculum our children experience enables us to live out our Mission Slogan: Loving all, like Jesus, we flourish together. We aim to enable all our children to flourish, regardless of background or disposition by offering a rich and informed curriculum packed with opportunities for all our children to experience ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10).
Physical Education is a pivotal part of our curriculum at St. Gregory’s. We support the children in being able to work alone as an individual whilst also working collaboratively with others in order to develop their fine and gross motor skills, fundamental movement skills and their all-round physical and mental well-being. Our children will build on their knowledge, skills and understanding year on year whilst learning new concepts as they mature through the key stages. They will become physically active when and where possible across the curriculum to promote the importance of having a healthy body, healthy mind and the ability to learn effectively.
In keeping with the rest of the curriculum at our school, the learning our children undertake in Physical Education enables them to continuously develop the Seven Skills of the Steward – attributes and attitudes which we believe will be essential so as to enable our children to thrive in the world of the future and help make ‘Thy Kingdom come’:
Team-working † Problem-solving † Creativity † Peace-making
Empathy † Resilience † Gratitude
At St Gregory’s, in age and stage-appropriate ways, we aim to ensure that all pupils:
- experience a Physical Education that is meaningful, motivating and memorable
- be physically active
- adopt the best possible posture and appropriate use of the body
- engage in activities that develop cardio vascular health, flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance
- understand the need for personal hygiene in relation to vigorous physical activity
- follow the conventions of fair play and honest competition
- cope with success and limitations in their performance
- persevere with and consolidate their performances