School Logo

Year 3

Hello and Welcome to Year 3!


Class Teacher - Mrs Grime

Teaching Assistant - Miss Horne


Year 3 is an important transitional year for a child as they move into Key Stage 2 and we want to make every effort to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible. We want to develop the children's resilience and independence as a learner. We aim to make lessons 'Meaningful, Memorable and Motivating'. We strive to make learning enjoyable in Year 3 and we aim to incorporate the 'Seven Skills of the Steward' in our learning. Those skills are:


Team-working † Problem-solving † Creativity † Peace-making † Empathy † Resilience † Gratitude

Our super skill for Year 3 is Resilience.


This class page will showcase the children's learning and share other important information. Below, we have the Long Term Plan which summarises the units taught across the year and we also have our half-termly knowledge organiser which goes more in-depth about the learning for that half-term. Also, there is a 'Meet The Teacher' PowerPoint that details the timings of school, class expectations and other important information.


Key things to note:

The children will receive their weekly spellings on Fridays which are due to be tested the following Friday.

Homework is given out on Friday as well and this due back on Wednesdays. Homework will consist of either a Maths or English activity.

PE is happening on Wednesday and Thursday for Autumn 2.

We encourage you to listen to your child read as much as possible, and support your child in learning their times tables.

Reading books will continue to be changed regularly, reading books and diaries must be in school everyday so that we can listen to pupils read.

Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to phone the school to speak to one of the team, or message us via Dojo.


The Year 3 Team  

Year 3 Long Term Plan

KS2 Recommended Websites
