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Year 3

Hello and Welcome to Year 3!


Class Teacher - Mrs Grime

Teaching Assistant (am) - Miss Horne


Year 3 is an important transitional year for a child as they move into Key Stage 2 and we want to make every effort to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible. We want to develop the children's resilience and independence as a learner. We aim to make lessons 'Meaningful, Memorable and Motivating'. We strive to make learning enjoyable in Year 3 and we aim to incorporate the 'Seven Skills of the Steward' in our learning to ensure that all children succeed as young learners of the future. Those skills are:


Team-working   †   Problem-solving   †   Creativity   †   Peace-making

Empathy   †   Resilience   †   Gratitude

Our super skill for Year 3 is Gratitude.


This class page will showcase the children's learning and share other important information. Below, we have the Long Term Plan which summarises the units taught across the year and we also have our half-termly knowledge organiser which goes more in-depth about the learning for that half-term. Also, there is a 'Meet The Teacher' PowerPoint that details the timings of school, class expectations and other important information.


Key things to note:

The children will receive their weekly spellings on Fridays which are due to be tested the following Friday.


Homework is given out on Friday as well and this due back on Wednesdays. Homework will consist of either a Maths or English activity.


PE is happening on Wednesday and Friday for Summer 2.


We encourage you to listen to your child read as much as possible, and support your child in learning their times tables.


Reading books will continue to be changed regularly, reading books and diaries must be in school everyday so that we can listen to pupils read.


Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to phone the school to speak to one of the team, or message us via Dojo.


The Year 3 Team  

Summer 1

Non-Chronological Reports on Dragons

Big Plant Experiment

At the start of this half-term, the children began their Big Plant Experiment. They put a different number of sunflower seeds in each pot; 1, 2, 4 and 8. Every other day, the children watered the plants and observed how plants were growing. Then each science lesson, the children measured the plants. The children noticed that the pot with 8 seeds grew quicker than the others but then when they became too tall, they started to bend and become fragile.

Sketches - The children sketched St Gregory's Church and used shading techniques to make them look 3D.

Spring 2

Collage Artwork

Purposeful End Point for Fractions. The children had to find the fraction of each coloured sweet in a mini packet of skittles. They had to then order them in ascending order.

Nature Collages

World Book Day

For World Book Day, the children designed their own character on either a paper plate or a wooden spoon. The children also created their own character which was then brought to life into an animation. Finally, the children completed a character quiz in teams.

Purposeful End Point for Length and Perimeter. The children had to find the perimeter of each room. They then had to use their multiplication skills to work out how much skirting board/wallpaper would cost for each room.

Year 3's Seasonal Tarts

The children designed, made and evaluated their seasonal vegetable tarts as part of our Food and Seasonality unit in Design and Technology. 

Spring 1

Purposeful End Point for Science - Children went on a class trip to Bring Yer Wellies in Houghton

The Year 3 children went on a class trip as part of their Science unit on 'Rocks, fossils and soils'. The day began with a play on the beach within the site's greenhouse. They then moved on to a session about the different types of rocks and how they were formed. After that, the children looked at real life examples of different types of rocks i.e., granite, sandstone, slate. The children were then introduced to the thousands of worms within the wormery and they learnt that worms love to eat anything that grows in the ground. From this, they learnt how worms are decomposers and help foods decompose.


In the afternoon, the children worked in teams to build dens and then they played a few relay races into the den. Next, they were then split into their house teams and they used their mapwork skills to find different questions around the ground. These questions were based on their science learning and they had to work in their teams to find the correct answer. Overall, a motivating and memorable day!

Autumn 2

Purposeful End Point for English - Children have written their own versions of the Iron Man story and we collated them in a Class Book.

Purposeful End Point for Science - The children have worked in teams to create their own guide on guinea pig diets. They have outlined what guinea pigs can eat and what they cannot.

Tech She Can Day - The children designed their own VR scene and designed their own interactive toy.

Purposeful End Point for Addition and Subtraction. The children had to work in teams to work out the cost of Mrs Grime's renovation and how much change she will get from £900.

All Saints Day - The children created posters based on the Laudato Si by Pope Francis which encourage humans across the world to take care of the environment.

Steel Drums - The children have worked with Junior Jam to play on some steel drums.

Autumn 1

Team-Working Day - The children worked in teams to complete a range of activities.

RE - The children created 'Care For Our World' posters as our purposeful end point

Hello Yellow Day - Spreading Awareness for Mental Health and Raising Money for YoungMinds

Meet The Teacher 2023 - 2024

Year 3 Long Term Plan

KS2 Recommended Websites
