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At St Gregory's in RE, in age and stage-appropriate ways, we aim to ensure all children:


  • grow in understanding of who God is for us as a Catholic community
  • grow in knowledge and understanding of Jesus's life and teachings
  • gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Catholic tradition and the liturgy of the Church
  • recognise and appreciate the spiritual and religious dimensions of life through feelings of awe, wonder, delight and joy
  • examine their own and others' religious feelings, views and responses
  • use their knowledge and understanding of the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ to follow in his footsteps in their own lives, now and in the future
  • experience a 'rich' curriculum that is meaningful, memorable and motivating
  • benefit from the highest standards of teaching, learning and assessment
  • have opportunities to learn about and live out our Mission Statement
  • have opportunities to practise our 'Seven Skills of the Steward' (team-working; problem-solving; empathy; creativity; resilience; gratitude; peace-making) 


At the moment, we are in a state of transition between the old and new framework. We are on an exciting journey and have started to implement the new framework called 'To Know You More Clearly' from Reception all the way to Year 4.  We continue to use 'The Way, The Truth and The Life' for Year 5 and Year 6 while the Religious Education Directory (RED) is being rolled out systematically. The school delivers Religious Education lessons for 10% of the overall curriculum time.  

Age Related Standards for RE (for classes not currently using the updated RECD 2023)

RE termly newsletter

Hello Blue/ Gratitude Day - focused around 'Laudato Si' the school council arranged a Gratitude Day where we produced art work of our interpretations of caring for our common home.

Easter Gardens - our children have used their super skill of 'creativity' to demonstrate some of the events of Holy Weeks in their Easter Gardens

Autumn 1 Purposeful End Points: refugees, our local community, local food banks: just a few of the people that we have helped this half term, putting our faith into action!

All Saint's Day 2023 - Based on the life and work of Oscar Romero we created Romero Crosses and wrote letters to Rishi Sunak about how we can take action about the current climate crisis. We are awaiting his response...
