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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Miss Duffy - Class Teacher

Mrs Polli - Teaching Assistant (am)


Welcome to our Year 6 class page where you will find all the things you need to support learning throughout the academic year. We are sure many of you are wondering how your child has reached Year 6 so quickly – time has flown by! This will be a busy year - which will also fly by - but we hope the children have a fantastic last year here at St Gregory’s. 

Year 6 is always a busy and lively classroom, with lots of learning taking place. Succeeding in Year 6, means that everyone must always try their best and have a positive attitude to learning. In Year 6, we aim to make learning 'Meaningful, Motivating and Memorable'. Woven throughout the Year 6 curriculum are opportunities for our children to develop The Seven Skills of the Steward – attributes and attitudes (our 'Superskills') which we believe are essential so as to enable our children to thrive in the world of the future:

Team-working   †   Problem-solving   †   Creativity   †   Peace-making

Empathy   †   Resilience   †   Gratitude


In Year 6, our super skill focus is creativity.

Guide to Greatness


P.E. lessons are on Monday and Wednesday this term. Children should come to school in their PE kit on these days. We will also be completing the mile run as regularly as possible. 

For both boys and girls the following PE kits are acceptable:

• Polo shirt (colour is determined by which house group your child is allocated to)

• Plain black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms

• School socks

• Plain black pumps or plain black trainers

We take huge pride in ensuring that we are smartly dressed and in full uniform. It is very important that children are following the uniform policy and trainers should only be worn on PE days. 


Homework is taken very seriously in every class at St Gregory’s and especially so in Year 6 as this is the year that children will complete the Key Stage 2 SATs; this requires the children to work very hard all year.

In the run-up to SATs, additional homework and revision (using Study Books and recommended Internet Sites) will be given out accordingly.


Your child will receive homework on a Friday, including the weekly spellings. The homework will usually consist of either maths, grammar and punctuation or comprehension activities. This will be due the following Friday, when we will also have the weekly spelling test. We will continue to use Spelling Shed where your child can practise their spellings through fun and interactive games.


Reading – your child is expected to read on a nightly basis for between 10-15 minutes, either to an adult, older brother or sister or to themselves. Your help with this is highly appreciated. Please ensure your child’s reading book and diary are in school EVERY DAY.


Times tables – this is an ongoing exercise. Times tables underpin a lot of mathematics so it would be advantageous to the development of your child to keep checking their progress at home. Regular practice on Hit the Button would be beneficial.


The pupils plan and deliver, in groups of two/three, a Prayer and Liturgy session every week; they know in advance when they will be delivering the session to the rest of the class. As responsible Year 6's, one of the children’s jobs is to be a ‘buddy’ to the Reception class children. This is a valuable role that all children take very seriously and adore to do. Year 6 have various other jobs in and around our classroom; they are very responsible and trustworthy children who can be relied upon to carry out jobs efficiently


We hope that your child has a happy and successful year. Please remember that children make better progress if teachers and parents work together. Do not be afraid to contact me via Class Dojo or phone call if you need any support or have any worries – I am here to help! We update our class page on the website as regularly as we can; if you get a chance please have a look at the work we are doing. We'll have a great year and make lots of memories along the way!


Miss Duffy and the Year 6 Team! 


Year 6 Long Term Plan 2024- 2025

Year 6 Recommended Reads

Meet the Teacher 2024 - 2025

Are Young People Interested in Politics -discussion point

KS2 recommended websites

Knife Crime Prevention Workshop

Year 6 2024 - 2025
