Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
In order to further-enhance the experiences our children have at St Gregory’s, we are continuing to strengthen the Mental Health and Wellbeing provision available across the school. We firmly believe that children can only thrive academically once all other, more ‘fundamental’ needs are met. In this way, our Mental Health and Wellbeing support helps to address barriers to learning such as: anxiety; grief; home-life; peers; mental health; self-esteem; self-harm; sexuality; growing up as a modern citizen in an area of high deprivation in an increasingly-complex society. We do this so our children can flourish across the curriculum, unhindered by things which might otherwise 'weigh them down'.
Currently our provision includes, amongst other things:
- Access to an on-site School Counsellor 4 days a week (1:1 therapy sessions; group therapy sessions; drop-in am and pm for children/parents/carers; drop-in over lunch for children; support at crisis situations)
- Daily drop-in sessions twice a day with another trained mental health first aider
- All staff trained in anxiety and trauma in continuous cycle
- All children nominate a ‘chosen adult’ who they can go and talk to at any time
- Restorative Solutions training for all staff
- Two wellbeing Guinea Pigs
- Worry jars in all classes
- ‘Check-in’ displays across the school
- Twice-weekly examen/meditation sessions
- Mindfulness time at each registration session
- Growth Mindset promoted in all classes and during assembly times on a continuous cycle
- The Guide to Greatness and 7 Skills of the Stewards in place to promote positive attitudes and attributes for all children – constantly referenced through the entire curriculum our children experience
- Signposting parents/carers to outside agencies and support when needed
- World Mental Health Fundraising days
- Girly box (periods)
- CAF/TAF process for families in need of early help, liaising with outside agencies when required
- Comprehensive HRSE provision in all classes
- ‘Front of house’ warm, compassionate welcome by office staff and school counsellor if a child or family require a more ‘gentle’ approach at the start of a day
- Clear Mission Statement developed and owned by all stakeholders, rooted in Gospel values and the Catholic vision of the school
If you feel your child may benefit from enhanced Mental Health and Wellbeing support, please speak to your child's class teacher, contact the school office or arrange to speak to Linda - our wonderful School Counsellor.
Our Mental Health Team
Some Helpful Resources which is A research-based parenting app that teaches the most impactful parenting practices. this is an online safe space for children and young people to explore their feelings anonymously. - for any Pupil's who are feeling worried/anxious about starting High School. - A booklet for pupils and their parents and carers to work through together, to help both parents/carers and children feel more prepared for the change.
Useful leaflets
Following this link is a guide to show you what support you can get, groups you can join and just general information on what's on in the area!