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At St Gregory’s, the curriculum our children experience enables us to live out our Mission Slogan: Loving all, like Jesus, we flourish together. We aim to enable all our children to flourish, regardless of background or disposition by offering a rich and informed curriculum packed with opportunities for all our children to experience ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10).


Taking the National Curriculum as our basis, alongside the fundamental life skills of Maths, our Mathematics curriculum provides opportunities for our children to develop The Seven Skills of the Steward – attributes and attitudes which we believe are essential so as to enable our children to thrive in the world of the future and help make ‘Thy Kingdom come’:


Alongside the fundamental life skills, woven throughout our mathematics curriculum are opportunities for our children to develop The Seven Skills of the Steward – attributes and attitudes (our 'Superskills') which we believe are essential so as to enable our children to thrive in the world of the future:


Team-working   †   Problem-solving   †   Creativity   †   Peace-making

Empathy   †   Resilience   †   Gratitude


We believe that this powerful combination will enable our children to perform well at end points in their relevant stages of education (for example at the end of EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2), as well as allowing them to experience 'life to the full' and also enjoy successfully playing their part in helping to make our wonderful world an even better place and help make ‘Thy Kingdom come’.


At St Gregory’s, we value a Mathematics curriculum that is creative, engaging and accessible to all; it is our intent that our Mathematics curriculum will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement.  After every mathematics unit that is taught, children do a 'Purposeful End Point' to enhance mathematics and show children the careers and possibilities that are in the wider-world from the learning that is taking place in our classrooms, right now!

St Gregory's Long Term Plan (Following White Rose 3.0)

St Gregory's Mathematics Policy

National Curriculum 'Ready to Progress' mapping.

Take a look at some of our working walls in action...
