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Welcome to Our Class! 


In EYFS you will find the dedicated staff of Miss Pritchard, Miss Edmondson & Mrs Kaur. We work together to ensure the children in our care have the best start in school, following the Guide to Greatness and implementing the Skills of the Steward in all that we do. We encourage our children to learn how to socialise, make friends and develop their personality. Our aim is to ensure all children have the opportunity to develop into independent, resilient learners with the important skills of reading, writing and number at the heart of all that we do. All of our children in EYFS are assigned to a key worker; this ensures that all children have a designated adult and smaller group to help them feel secure and build attachments - this is something that will continue across school right into Year 6! 


Our class has many exciting things happening all of the time. The children have access to continuous provision both inside and outside where they are able to create and learn at their own speed using the resources provided for them. They are also guided within these areas by the teacher and teaching assistants to develop their learning and also take part in small group work which caters for their needs and challenges them where appropriate. 


We like to develop a strong partnership with our parents as we find that this approach gives our children the very best start in their education. We therefore ask that children are supported at home by reading at home with your children regularly. Reading books will be changed every: Monday, Wednesday and Friday and parents are expected to sign the child's diary to show this has been completed. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please don't hesitate to come into school to talk to us.  Reading at home is a vital part of children's education and it is extremely important that children read aloud to an adult at home. 


In Reception the children learn through a variety of exciting topics throughout the year, with lots of practical,  motivating activities; these can be found on our Long Term Plan below; this is also in line with the children's interests and where their learning takes us. Our aim is to give all our children a meaningful and memorable first year in school.  Our theme for the year, linked to our Seven Skills of the Steward, is 'Creativity'; we strive to encourage children to use their creativity in all areas to allow them to flourish. 


This year, we aim to build strong relationships with our parents and carers at home. Once every half term, we will be holding a 'stay and play' session, which will be focused on one of our key areas. In addition to this, from Autumn 2 onwards, parents will be invited into school, every Friday morning, for the first 15 minutes to stay and read with their child. We would greatly appreciate you coming into school, to get a closer look at what goes on in our wonderful classroom environment. 


Our PE lessons will take place every Wednesday and Thursday, therefore children should come into school in their full PE kit on these days. Physical Development is a key area of development in EYFS therefore we will also be working on this daily with fun and enjoyable activities. Please encourage children to be active at home in order to develop their gross and fine motor skills. 


We welcome all parents to come into class at any time to talk about their child's progress or just to see what is going on. Any links or information will be posted below and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 


If you require any curriculum information, please find this on Key Information: Curriculum: Curriculum Subjects: EYFS. 


Thanks for your help and support, 

Miss Pritchard, Miss Edmondson and Mrs Kaur

We are taking part in the walk and talk campaign!

For a more detailed look at our Long Term Plan, please see: Key Information, Curriculum, EYFS. 

Recommended Websites to use at home.
