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Art & Design

Art and Design at St. Gregory's

At St Gregory’s, the curriculum our children experience enables us to live out our Mission Slogan: Loving all, like Jesus, we flourish together. We aim to enable all our children to flourish, regardless of background or disposition by offering a rich and informed curriculum packed with opportunities for all our children to experience ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10).

In keeping with the rest of the curriculum at our school, the learning our children undertake in Art and Design enables them to continuously develop the Seven Skills of the Steward – attributes and attitudes which we believe will be essential so as to enable our children to thrive in the world of the future and help make ‘Thy Kingdom come’:


Team-working   †   Problem-solving   †   Creativity   †   Peace-making

Empathy   †   Resilience   †   Gratitude

Year 3's Artwork inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe
