Science at St. Gregory's
At St Gregory’s, the curriculum our children experience enables us to live out our Mission Slogan: Loving all, like Jesus, we flourish together. We aim to enable all our children to flourish, regardless of background or disposition by offering a rich and informed curriculum packed with opportunities for all our children to experience ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10).
Science in our school provides opportunities for children to explore the world around them; to learn about space and the universe; to question and explore why things happen and how things work; and to debate and question ‘big’ ideas such as evolution. We want our pupils to not only enjoy learning and promote a love of science, but also to develop an enquiring mind and an awareness of how science is relevant in their day to day lives.
Rocks, Fossils and Soils Purposeful End Points (Year 3) - Children went on a class trip to Bring Yer Wellies in Houghton
The Year 3 children went on a class trip as part of their Science unit on 'Rocks, fossils and soils'. The day began with a play on the beach within the site's greenhouse. They then moved on to a session about the different types of rocks and how they were formed. After that, the children looked at real life examples of different types of rocks i.e., granite, sandstone, slate. The children were then introduced to the thousands of worms within the wormery and they learnt that worms love to eat anything that grows in the ground. From this, they learnt how worms are decomposers and help foods decompose.
In the afternoon, the children worked in teams to build dens and then they played a few relay races into the den. Next, they were then split into their house teams and they used their mapwork skills to find different questions around the ground. These questions were based on their science learning and they had to work in their teams to find the correct answer. Overall, a motivating and memorable day!
Electricity Purposeful End Points (Year 6)
An electrician came in to speak to the children about their job role. It inspired some of the children in the class to one day become an electrician.
Nutrition and Diet Purposeful End Points (Year 3)
The children created 'What do Guinea Pigs eat' guides in group were they highlighted the key foods that guinea pigs eat and the foods that guinea pigs should not eat. This was part of their Nutrition and Diet unit.