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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


In Year 1 you will find Miss Stirman and Mrs Billington.


In Year 1 we very much value the children as individuals and take a child centred approach in all that we do. We provide a range of opportunities for ALL children to become successful independent learners. 


Our curriculum is aimed to make learning Meaningful, Motivating and Memorable. We work on 'The seven skills of the Steward' to prepare our children for s successful future! Our class superskill is Problem Solving and throughout the year we will be providing plenty of opportunities for our children to become great problem solvers. 


P.E will be Mondays and Fridays, please ensure your child comes into school in their P.E kit.


Reading is vitally important! Our children need to be able to read with fluency and accuracy. Reading books will be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has their reading book and bag in school everyday. 


We would like to keep in touch with parents, so please join our class Dojo page so that you can see what we have been up to in Year 1. 


We will have a great year! If you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to come into school and ask. 


Take care, 

Miss Stirman and Mrs Billington 

As part of storytelling week Y4 kindly came down to read with Y1. We loved listening to some of our favourite books being read to us!

Animal Club visit 2022

Posting our letters to the South Pole. 2021-22

We have been learning all about the Great Fire of London! We made moving scenes in DT. 2021-22

We have been learning about Sir Frank Bowling! We have created teamwork artwork in the same style. 2021-22

In DT we made a salad and took it home to share with our family! 2021-22

We have been learning about plants. We have planted our own Sunflowers! 2021-22

During HRSE we learnt about being healthy. We then told KS1 about this during assembly. 2021-22

We made Easter nests! 2021-22

