Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
In Year 1 you will find Miss Callagher (Class Teacher), Mrs Billington (Class TA), Mrs Bourg and Miss Vella (1-1 Support TAs)
In Year 1 we very much value the children as individuals and take a child centred approach in all that we do. We provide a range of opportunities for ALL children to become successful independent learners.
Our curriculum is aimed to make learning Meaningful, Motivating and Memorable. We work on 'The seven skills of the Steward' to prepare our children for a successful future! Our class superskill is Empathy and throughout the year we will be providing plenty of opportunities for our children to show empathy to everyone.
P.E will be Wednesdays and Fridays, please ensure your child comes into school in their P.E kit.
Reading is vitally important! Our children need to be able to read with fluency and accuracy. Reading books will be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has their reading book and bag in school everyday.
Homework will be given out on Friday and needs to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Alongside this, your child will have access to Spelling Shed and Number Shed.
Communication with parents/carers is vitally important. Please contact me through dojo if you have any queries or concerns. Pictures and learning experiences will also be uploaded to dojo too.
Miss Callagher and the Year 1 team.