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Curriculum Review

Curriculum Review


In order to make the curriculum at St Gregory's even more exciting, we are currently going through a process of Curriculum Review.


As a Catholic school, we started the process by looking at what skills our children will need in order to help make 'thy Kingdom come' in the world of the future. We have outlined 'Seven Skills of the Steward' which we believe will be fundamental in enabling our children to successfully play a part in making our wonderful world an even better place:

  • Team-working
  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Peace-making
  • Empathy
  • Resilience
  • Gratitude

Opportunities to practice The Skills of the Steward will be woven throughout the curriculum at St Gregory's.


We have also been looking at how we can structure and deliver the National Curriculum in an even more creative way so our children have experiences which are:

  • Motivating
  • Meaningful
  • Memorable

Opportunities to practice our 3 Ms will - again - be embedded in every topic taught at our school. 


This is just the beginning of the process. Next year we will start to put in place the fruits of our initial Review. As next year progresses, we will begin to further refine the curriculum at St Gregory's. Our aim is to enable our children to take part in experiences which are: rooted in fundamental life skills; focused on living out our Catholic ethos; and ones which our children are desperate to enjoy!  
