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Curriculum Vision

The Curriculum Intent at St Gregory's 


At St Gregory’s, the curriculum our children experience enables us to live out our Mission Slogan:

Loving all, like Jesus, we flourish together.


We aim to enable all our children to flourish, regardless of background or disposition by offering a rich and informed curriculum which is facilitated to a consistently-high standard and is packed with opportunities for all our children to experience ‘life to the full’ (John 10:10)


Taking the National Curriculum as our basis, with the fundamental life skills of Reading, Writing and Maths at the heart, woven throughout our curriculum are opportunities for our children to develop The Seven Skills of the Steward – attributes and attitudes which we believe are essential so as to enable our children to thrive in the world of the future:


Team-working   †   Problem-solving   †   Creativity   †   Peace-making

Empathy   †   Resilience   †   Gratitude


We believe that this powerful combination will enable our children to perform well at end points in their relevant stages of education (for example at the end of EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2), as well as allowing them to enjoy successfully playing their part in helping to make our wonderful world an even better place and make ‘Thy Kingdom come’.


Careful mapping of the National Curriculum during a recent process of curriculum review, monitored closely by our curriculum and subject area leaders, has ensured our new curriculum is sequenced so as to enable current learning to be founded upon prior development of relevant knowledge, skills and understanding. We have also built into our curriculum a wide variety of ways to help make our children’s experiences meaningful, motivating and memorable, not least in the way we aim to apply our English and Maths skills across the curriculum to provide relevant opportunities to demonstrate thorough understanding in a variety of contexts.


Informed by the voices of those across our school community, our curriculum has been designed to reflect the needs of the children at our particular school. We also aim to utilise our links within the community to provide the very best ‘linked-up’, relevant learning experiences for all our children (for example visits from local Imams during Friendship Week or local Councillors during School Council Elections). Currently, we are especially focusing on developing the core skills of Literacy (especially for our children for whom English is an additional language and those in receipt of the Pupil Premium Funding), as well as striving to provide a wider variety of life experiences – key factors to help our children further flourish (for example, through increased Extra-Curricular Activities such as clubs and trips, as well as further-developing the Cultural Capital Provision embedded across our school). In the same way, our Reading Policy is firmly focused on enabling all our children to develop their reading ability in age-appropriate ways – an essential factor in ensuring success across the curriculum.


Any gaps in our children’s understanding of the curriculum which may present themselves are addressed in a multitude of ways. Amongst other things, these include: obtaining and enabling any necessary Educational Health Care Plans or access to Special Education Need Support; ensuring an effective strategy is in place for use of Pupil Premium funding; making sure quality first teaching is in place consistently across the school, with lessons differentiated and resources utilised accordingly and a wide range of experiences and approaches in effect; systematic targeting of specific children who have ‘fallen behind’ with relevant interventions put in place; in-depth analysis of all pupil performance at termly pupil progress meetings; ensuring an open-minded culture amongst all staff is in evidence across the school so we are always willing to continuously improve our practice to get the very best for the children in our care.


Our curriculum is reviewed frequently by a range of stakeholders, the results of which are then fed back into the educational experiences our children partake in – all the while mindful of how we can best ensure

all the children at St Gregory’s flourish continuously.


St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School Accessibility Plan

How to find out evern more about our curriculum ...


Check out our weekly newsletter (available on this website); individual class pages (also on this website) our facebook page ( and for parents, please also keep an eye on class dojo for regular updates about all the great things happening here at St Gregory's.
